20.02.2015 The grand opening of CNSLab
20.02.2015On February 20, 2015 an opening ceremony of CNS Lab was held. The ceremony was attended by many distinguished guests, including representatives of the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Defence and many scientific institutes. CNS Lab presentation was delivered by Dr. hab. Eng. Ewa Zalewska, while the inaugural lecture was given by Professor. dr. hab n. med Leszek Królicki.
10.02.2015 – 1st Warsaw Symposium on Hyperpolarized MR Spectroscopy
1st Warsaw Symposium on Hyperpolarized MR Spectroscopy was held at CNS LAB on 9 -10 February 2015. The symposium was successfully chaired by Prof. Jan Ardenkjær-Larsen, Prof. Leszek Królicki and Prof. Ewa Zalewska.
1st Warsaw Symposium on Hyperpolarized MR Spectroscopy – agenda.
Pictures from this event are available in the gallery section.
24.11.2014 First MRI scans in the CNS Lab
The first MRI test was carried out first MRI at the Centre for Integrated Research of Structural and Functional Central Nervous System in Warsaw (CNS Lab). Photos from the event are included in the Gallery
12.11.2014 Commissioning of the CNS Lab building
November 12th – commissioning took place at CNS Lab building. This means that the construction of the Centre for Integrated Research of Structural and Functional Central Nervous System in Warsaw (CNS Lab) has been completed. Film from a walk inside the building, and the photos are posted in the Gallery (card nr 25).
25.08.2014 MRI magnet installation
On August 25 6 tons magnet, which is a key component of the MRI system, has been delivered to CNS LAB building. Photos and videos from this operation can be seen in our gallery.
30.05.2014 Construction works
Construction of the Centre for CNS LAB procced in accordance with the planned timetable. Finishing works, interior and exterior as well as installation. Photographic and film documentation of work on site is available in the tab
22.05.2014 Tender – Supply of IT infrastructure to the needs of the CNS Lab in Warsaw
Tender – Supply of IT infrastructure to the needs of the Centre for Integrated Research of Structural and Functional Central Nervous System in Warsaw, was announced on 22/05/2014. The contract is for the supply of computer components including disk arrays, servers and network switches and their installation, commissioning and materials necessary to run these elements.
20.05.2014 Radio talk
Please Note! May 25, 2011 (Saturday) Prof. Ewa Zalewska will talk about the CNS Lab in a Polish Radio Program I. Beginning of the broadcast at 11.10 p.m.
04.02.2014 Proceedings have been resolved
Proceedings have been resolved for the award of a public contract for the delivery of MRIsystem for CNS Lab. The chosen offer was submitted byGE Medical Systems.
13.11.2013 Przetarg nieograniczony – Dostawa systemu do badań metodą MRI z oprzyrządowaniem do otrzymywania i stosowania kontrastów hiperpolaryzacyjnych.
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